I really like what AppAssure team did in new update:

Good parts:

  1. It finally utilizes all available bandwidth, and not limping at 20%
  2. Even during big jobs, like mountability check for exchange, it uses fraction of resource, RAM and CPU. It is foreign to me to see memory not maxed out all the time.
  3. New Web-GUI is stunning, intuitive and fast, comparing to older version

Not so good parts:

  1. Get use to Interactive Service Detection window spamming your desktop, every time new job is starting. Hope they will fix that annoyance soon
  2. Now AppAssure require to use port 80. Not the AppAssure by itself but one of the services its depend on. Had to find it in hard way. We noticed that our co-located vCenter server failed to start. Few minutes of investigation and we found that HTTP.sys was using port 80 as System service PID 4. When we stopped it, AppAssure crashed as well. Unfortunately Dell forgot to tell people about that minor change.


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