Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

We had an issue after installing RU8 for the exchange 2010 SP3. Some users reported receiving NDR from the server when they tried to send emails. Also on Exchange server we noticed event ID: 4999 from MSExchange Common process in Application Log Watson report about to be sent for process id: 600, with parameters: E12, c-RTL-AMD64, 14.03.0224.001, M.E.RpcClientAccess.Service, M.E.RpcClientAccess.Handler, M.E.R.H.ViewCache.IsRowWithinUnreadCache, System.IndexOutOfRangeException, 8e38, 14.03.0224.001. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

We learn not long after that MS recalled the RU8 update due to the major bug in it. FIY you will need to copy of the SP3 handy in order to rollback  the update.

Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

AppAssure S3 Archiving

As of version 5.4.2 AppAssure added ability to archive your restore points to the amazon S3. We were about to deploy a replication core on EC2, for increase backup availability when we stumbled on S3 archiveing.

AppAssure 5.4.2: The latest release of Dell Sofware’s all-in-one backup, replication and recovery software, AppAssure 5.4.2 includes myriad enhancements that broaden platform support while improving cloud and archive functionality. Notable new features include:

  • Cloud access management — AppAssure now features a simple account management interface that allows accounts to be added and managed for each cloud provider, thus enabling the user’s cloud to also become a target for archive activities.
  • Cloud archive and import — AppAssure 5.4.2 improves archive by adding a number of cloud storage targets, including Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace and OpenStack-based platforms. Additionally, users now can import cloud archives back into their AppAssure repositories with just a few clicks.
  • Scheduled and incremental archive — The newest release includes the ability to create recurring scheduled archives on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as the option to update existing archives with incremental changes by storing only the changes since the last archive, eliminating the need to create a full archive each time.
  • Expanded platform support — AppAssure 5.4.2 delivers support for Hyper-V Generation 2 Virtual Machines, as well as for VMware VM Hardware version 10. In addition, the new release has achieved FIPS 140-2 Certification, a security standard that indicates AppAssure is now using government-certified encryption.

It is extremely easy to setup, and it has scheduling option so you could safely blast archive to S3 during non-business hours. I am not sure about restore yet, we will have to test it in a month or so during schedule drills. I will report how easy it is, and how lang it could take.


Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

Windows Domain DFS namespace – access is denied using domain FQDN, access allowed using server UNC paths directly

Original article


This was easily one of the most frustrating and ridiculous fun times I’ve had working with DFS.

The issue: At several client locations we run file server redundancy by offering (2) DFSR servers. A shared domain namespace with replicated folders to ensure they stay online if a server is offline for planned or unplanned good times. Within group-policy, we map folder redirection to a namespace path:

  • “documents” -> “domain.comusersusernamedocuments”
  • “desktop” -> “domain.comusersusernamedesktop”
  • ……

By referencing the namespace, it will redirect when server A or B is offline. This should NOT be used in WAN deployments, LAN is fast and therefore replication is fast. Initially the DFS issue was identified when drives mapped to the namespace were missing. Within the client event logs, we saw “access denied” errors associated with these drive-letters.

What we checked and verified:

  • Problematic client stations could not connect to “domain.comdfsroot”  (access denied)
  • Problematic client stations could not connect to “domaindfsroot” (access denied)
  • Problematic client stations could connect to “serverAdfsroot”
  • Problematic client stations could connect to “serverBdfsroot”
  • Permissions on the shares for the DFS Root folder were correctly set to “everyone” with read/write
  • Each of these systems was removed and rejoined to the domain [no success]
  • The local profiles were completely removed from the local systems (file system and registry) and logged back in [no success]
  • Security suites were removed [no success]
  • Each user was tested on working machines and had no issues obtaining the right drives

The culprit: 

  • When we disabled the ‘offline files’ component and rebooted -> “domain.comdfsroot” was immediately accessible
We ultimately came to this conclusion: 
The offline file cache was corrupt. When offline files are disabled, the system accesses the namespace location directly without issue. This confirms a reference to the namespace is clearly saved within offline file cache. If the cache is corrupt you end up with “Access is Denied”. Another quick way to determine if the issue is corrupt cache is to simply try and access the DFS root UNC paths on each server. If you can browse the contents when bypassing the shared namespace path, and this user has no issues on other domain PCs, then it’s not permissions.
The Fix:
1) Disable offline files

Control Panel -> Sync Center -> Manage Offline Files -> Disable Offline Files

2) Clear the offline file cache

This sets a temporary registry entry which is read on start-up and runs the cache wipe.
Elevated Command Prompt -> “reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCscParameters /v FormatDatabase /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f “

3) Reboot

You must reboot to successfully wipe the offline file cache

4) Test the namespace path -> “domain.comdfsroot”

If you can now browse the namespace contents, you can optionally re-enable Offline Files.
We understand the Offline Files component is critical to road warriors. You should be safe to re-enable it and reboot.

Control Panel -> Sync Center -> Manage Offline Files -> Enable Offline Files -> Reboot

After you log back in, check that you can still access the namespace path “domain.comdfsroot” after you run a forced sync. If there are still issues, I recommend you follow the steps we initially took “What we checked and verified:” and repeat this fix.

Good luck!


AppAssure S3 Archiving

AppAssure S3 Archiving

As of version 5.4.2 AppAssure added ability to archive your restore points to the amazon S3. We were about to deploy a replication core on EC2, for increase backup availability when we stumbled on S3 archiveing.

AppAssure 5.4.2: The latest release of Dell Sofware’s all-in-one backup, replication and recovery software, AppAssure 5.4.2 includes myriad enhancements that broaden platform support while improving cloud and archive functionality. Notable new features include:

  • Cloud access management — AppAssure now features a simple account management interface that allows accounts to be added and managed for each cloud provider, thus enabling the user’s cloud to also become a target for archive activities.
  • Cloud archive and import — AppAssure 5.4.2 improves archive by adding a number of cloud storage targets, including Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace and OpenStack-based platforms. Additionally, users now can import cloud archives back into their AppAssure repositories with just a few clicks.
  • Scheduled and incremental archive — The newest release includes the ability to create recurring scheduled archives on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, as well as the option to update existing archives with incremental changes by storing only the changes since the last archive, eliminating the need to create a full archive each time.
  • Expanded platform support — AppAssure 5.4.2 delivers support for Hyper-V Generation 2 Virtual Machines, as well as for VMware VM Hardware version 10. In addition, the new release has achieved FIPS 140-2 Certification, a security standard that indicates AppAssure is now using government-certified encryption.

It is extremely easy to setup, and it has scheduling option so you could safely blast archive to S3 during non-business hours. I am not sure about restore yet, we will have to test it in a month or so during schedule drills. I will report how easy it is, and how lang it could take.

Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

The Trust Relationships between workstation and primary domain failed

“The Trust Relationships between workstation and primary domain failed” time to time we are getting such error on the Client computers. And most of the time we join PC to workgroup and join it back to the domain. It is annoying, you have to reboot PC two times, and user start to have issue after. But that how our fathers did, that what they tough us, and that is how we do it now. I admit I was doing it too, and I am deeply ashamed of it.

Sometimes it is good to know and love reading, especially technical literature, it puts you to sleep, but also shows you new things. For Example:

There are 2 commands that you can use which will remedy the issue above:


You can run this one from the server, only issue that workstation have to have Remote Administration Port opened

 netdom reset MachineName /domain DomainName /UserO UserName /PasswordO {Password|* }

UserO and PasswordO refer to the account that is member of Local Administrators group


Or you can run following command on the client:

nltest /Server:ServerName /SC_Reset:DomaindomainController 

If this does not work you can always reset computer account in AD and just join PC  to the domain again.

P.S. Thank to Exam 70-640 prep book


Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled


I really like what AppAssure team did in new update:

Good parts:

  1. It finally utilizes all available bandwidth, and not limping at 20%
  2. Even during big jobs, like mountability check for exchange, it uses fraction of resource, RAM and CPU. It is foreign to me to see memory not maxed out all the time.
  3. New Web-GUI is stunning, intuitive and fast, comparing to older version

Not so good parts:

  1. Get use to Interactive Service Detection window spamming your desktop, every time new job is starting. Hope they will fix that annoyance soon
  2. Now AppAssure require to use port 80. Not the AppAssure by itself but one of the services its depend on. Had to find it in hard way. We noticed that our co-located vCenter server failed to start. Few minutes of investigation and we found that HTTP.sys was using port 80 as System service PID 4. When we stopped it, AppAssure crashed as well. Unfortunately Dell forgot to tell people about that minor change.
Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

Mountability checks fail with an “AAVDisk not started” error.

I noticed that one of our client’s repository goes offline every week. We could not fined anything in windows or appassure logs. In order to mount repository we had to restart Core service and wait couple of hours for repository maintenance to complete. It was going extremely slaw. Weird thing was that was only client that had this issue. Dell Support blamed issue to our NAS and refuse to help farther unless we by Equalogic from them. We stuck with AppAssure going down each week and spending weekends bringing it back online.

When we noticed that suddenly our exchange mountability checks for the Exchange data store start failing. Quick search of error message reviled the fix given below. After applying the fix we notice that issue with repository was fixed as well. Repository maintenance took a few minutes instead of several hours. And it stop going offline during week end.

To resolve this issue, complete the following steps.

Pause replication on the source Core (if it is configured).
Pause all jobs on the Machines tab.
Stop the Core Service.
Open an elevated cmd prompt on the affected Core server.
Navigate to the C:Program FilesAppRecoveryCoreDriversAppAssure directory and enter the command Install AAVdisk.
Reboot the server.
Once the installation of the AAVdisk completes, enter SC Start AAVdisk in a cmd prompt.
Start the Core Service.
Force a mountability check on a recovery point.
Resume all jobs and replication (if it is configured).

Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

Unaccessable AppAssure agent


The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled device associated with it. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070422)

It took us several hours and several registry hacks to figure out that issue was caused by disabled Windows Management Instrumentation Service, which was disabled by the exchange SP installer. If you run in to this issue WMI service is the first place you want to check.



Exchange 2010 sp3 rollup 8 is being recalled

AppAssure 5.0 “Log Write Failed…”

AppAssure is a great backup solution, but some times it could be quite temperamental.

Some times you could notice the following event in your System Event Log:

Event ID: 9267

Source: AAVolFlt

Log write failed for device DeviceHarddiskVolume1 (drive ?:). The failure status code is the last word of the data.

And you notice that AppAssure stop taking snapshot for affected machine.

According to AppAssure Suprot, it is a known issue with log file being locked randomly.

In case you see this issue again, please perform the following steps:


  1.  Assign a drive letter to the SRP in diskmgmt.msc
  2. Make Folders in this newly assigned drive letter visible in Explorer Folder Options (unhide hidden and system folders)
  3.  Grant your current login account full access to the System Volume Information folder through Explorer Security Tab
  4. Confirm the existence of excessive  AALOG files or file sizes in System Volume Information Folder
  5. There should only be 1 AALOG… file, usually only a few KB in size
  6. If you do not see excessive or oversized AALOGS, do not proceed
  7. Issue “fltmc unload aafsflt” command in elevated Command Prompt to release all of the AALOGs
  8. In elevated command prompt change to the disk assigned above in Step 1) and “cd System Volume Information”
  9. “del aalog*.*”to delete them
  10. “fltmc load aafsflt” will reload the filter driver and re-create clean new AALOGs
  11. Snapshot the machine again (you should see a Base and incrementals thereafter.)


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